Geek Talk .1

I know I've been MIA for quite a while, I went restarted my natural journey again back in July of 2014, lost 20 lbs of prednisone weight and dyed my hair but that's another story for another time. I'll update soon, but my absence has been for good reason. Whats the reason? Oh, I became a Geek Girl Brunch Officer and it took quite a bit of my time to find another officer, to plan our first brunch so on, and so forth.

Geek Girl Brunch is a little bit of something for everyone. It's a place for women to get meet up, eat delicious brunch, drink fancy drinks and come together over their geeky loves! I am honored to be able to be apart of something so great! I've met some of the most creative, empowering women through GGB and I'm looking forward to meeting more in the future. 

Geek Girl Brunch Kaiserslautern is the first international chapter! Hoping there will be more in the future and the European chapters can plan a get together. For our launch, we choose the Magical Girl theme. Why? Because there is nothing like having a big opener with the message that we are not damsels, we can save ourselves! We're all magical girls right? Plus, most of us started our geeky awakening with Sailor Moon. It only seemed fitting. 

Brunch location took place at Sam Kullman's Diner in Kaiserslautern and it did not disappoint. It was the cutest 50's style diner and the breakfast was really, really good. It made me homesick in a good way. Good ol' American style breakfast - oh and did I mention they had awesome milkshakes and alcoholic coffee? Yeah...score!

At brunches we try to give swag bags that go along with our theme, check out these awesome items and the amazing vendors who supplies us with products! Be sure to click the links to their shop:

supplied us with awesome I Fight Like A Magical Girl tote bags, compact pins AND awesome patches for our jackets! 

This chick is awesome. She takes the time to make out of this world lollipops and they are the bomb. She may or may not be making another appearance at future brunches with custom lollipop flavors.

I also thought it'd be nice to find Japanese Kitkats for brunch!
Talk about magical girl?! She made a bunch of these for our brunch and I can't thank her enough. They are perfect. My photos don't do them justice at all. She can make designs from other randoms as well, check out her shop!

Wow, these rings were gorgeous and all the ladies were super excited about them! Thank you so much. They were definitely made with love.

Mikomi Accessories: supplied us with awesome Sailor Moon stickers (pins were from Tin Ink above) and I'm currently rocking it on my camera bag!

 I got the breakfast platter for two, because awesome and do it big or go home..right? Haha.

While our first brunch turn out was small, it was still a start! We're hoping our March Brunch is more fruitful and full of more awesome ladies to meet! While March's Space Adventurer Genderbend brunch is full, you can always join the wait list - don't miss out! We have lots of Spoilers in store. 

Happy Brunching from us to you, and we hope you'll sign up and become apart of this awesome growing community!


  1. I am tots jealous because these look so awesome! I wish I was there! I hope to be at the next Brunch!

    Love, Jenn

    1. We hope to have you, next time!! Also, I love your blog. <3
